Legal information

Rose Chérie Paris is a brand of Alessandra Stella

Headquarters: Stella Alessandra 39, rue Mozart 94400 Vitry - France
SIRET number: 808 350 169

Customer service e-mail:

Products: Rose Chérie Paris - all rights reserved.


The servers of the "" site are hosted by the company OVH

Registered office: 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France.

Intellectual property

All of our models presented on the "" site are exclusive and registered with the INPI, they remain the intellectual property of Stella Alessandra.
The  ROSECHERIEPARIS website and its content (own or that of its partners) are protected by trademark law and / or copyright and other rights. All of these elements remain the exclusive property of  ROSECHERIEPARIS or its partners. Pursuant to the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code, the legislative and regulatory provisions of all countries and international conventions, any representation and / or reproduction, or use, exploitation, in whole or in part, of one of the elements mentioned above. above, made without the prior written consent of  ROSECHERIEPARIS or its partners, is prohibited.

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